Unlimited Shows and Episodes - Audio Enhancement - Transcripts - Clips - Chapters - Value 4 Value - Podcast Website - Embeddable Player - People - Analytics - Distribution - Dynamic Audio and Text - Unlimited Downloads - Podcasting 2.0 - Podhome AI - Dark Mode - Music Podcasts - Unlimited Team members - Live Podcasting - Zapier Integration

Unlimited Podcasting

We don’t charge per show, episode, upload or download. One monthly price, unlimited podcasting.

What our users think

Easy Podcast Distribution

We make it easy for your podcast to show up in Apple Podcasts, Spotify, The Podcast Index, Amazon Music and everywhere listeners are.

Podcast Analytics

Track how your podcast is doing by analyzing:

  • Download Trends

  • Per Episode analytics

  • When and Where people listen

  • Which Apps and Websites listeners use

Podhome AI

Use our incredibly fast AI feature to

  • Suggest Episode Titles

  • Create Show Notes

  • Create a Transcript (and subtitles)

  • Detect and create Chapters

  • Detect People in your Episode

  • Suggest Clips to use for promotion

(It takes Podhome AI around 3 minutes to process a 1 hour episode)

Audio Enhancement

We can automatically Enhance your audio to:

  • Reduce Background Noise and Hum

  • Normalize Audio Volume to podcast standards

  • Speech Clarity enhancement

  • Reduce Mouth Noises, like plops

  • Produce 44100Hz, 192kbs, Stereo audio for Music Podcasts

Value 4 Value

With Value 4 Value, your listeners can support you by sending you cryptocurrency payments through modern podcasting apps.

Use Podhome to configure your Value 4 Value recipients (who gets what) per show and per episode.

Use Value Time Splits to send Value to someone else during your episode, like to an artist when you play their song. All natively supported in Podhome.

Dynamic Text & Audio

Use Dynamic Text to insert common elements into your show-notes, like chapters, episode website, people, or your custom Dynamic Text.

Use Dynamic Audio to automatically add a clip at the beginning or end of your episode. This is great for when you run a promotion that changes, or to add a disclaimer at the end of your episodes.

Podcasting 2.0

Your listeners should get the most out of your content. We support most of the Podcasting 2.0 namespace, so that modern apps can create the best experience for your listeners.

Unlimited Team

You can invite team members to help you with your show. Add as many members as you want, and control what they can do by giving them a specific show role.

Live Podcasting

Live podcasting is an amazing way to engage with your audience. When you go live, listeners that use a modern app like Fountain, PodcastGuru, Podverse, TrueFans and others, can listen (and watch) your live stream!

Podhome makes it easy to do a Live Podcast! Use our streaming server (included at no extra costs), and go live!

Podcast Website

We generate a customizable website for your show. The “Podhome Website“ provides listeners with all episodes, transcript and chapters that follow your audio, dark mode, and more.

You can use you own custom domain, and add custom pages.

Music hosting for artists

Podhome enables artists to host their music on Podhome, so that it can be played by podcasters in Value 4 Value enabled shows.

We makes it easy for you, as an artist, to upload your tracks and configure Value 4 Value.

Upload unlimited albums and tracks.

Host your music now so that other podcasters can use your tracks in their show and send you Value.

Podhome DOES NOT take take a cut of the Value sent to you.

  • YES! We don’t limit your creativity by limiting the amount of shows or episodes, and the success your show can have.

    There is no hidden “fair use policy“, or anything like that. No hidden costs.

    The only thing not included in the core price is Audio Enhance. If you choose to use it, you pay per used minute, as this service costs extra money to run.

  • Yes! Podhome AI is a core feature and is included in the price.

    You can use unlimited minutes of Podhome AI with your monthly Podhome Premium subscription, for episodes that you host on Podhome.

  • No we don’t. We love listening to podcasts and don’t like to be interrupted by ads.

    You can still include Ads in your podcast, for instance by using the Dynamic Audio & Text features.

    Better yet, ask your listeners for Value and include Value 4 Value information in your show and episodes, or include a support page (like Patreon) as your show funding site Url .

  • You don’t have to subscribe to anything to use Audio Enhance. Just select it when you upload new audio, or run it on an existing episode.

    Keep in mind that Audio Enhance is a paid service for episodes, that costs extra on top of your monthly subscription.

    You pay for it per used minute, if any, and the costs will be automatically added to your monthly invoice.

    Audio Enhance is always free for Dynamic Audio (which are clips up to 5 minutes long)

  • Yes! If you want your money back, within 30 days of signing up, we’ll refund your complete fee, no questions asked.

  • Yes! Your content is yours and will stay that way. We help you make the best of your content and distribute it to as many listeners as we can.

Simple pricing

One monthly price:

  • Cancel at any time

  • 30-day free trial

  • 30-day money back guarantee after trial

The latest episodes published with Podhome