Team and Users

You can create a team to work on your shows and episodes. As we are Podhome, you can invite an unlimited amount of users to join your team.

(Team management screen in Podhome)

Invite a team member

Adding people to your team is easy:

  1. Go to the Team page

  2. Enter a Name

  3. Fill in an email address

  4. Choose which Role the user should have for the current show

  5. Click “Invite”

The user will now receive an email from, inviting them to work on your show. They can log in and get started.

You can revoke their access, or change their role, in the Team page at any time.

Roles and shows

Users in your Team can only access the show that you invited them on. So when you invite somebody, make sure that you’ve selected the right show for them to work on.

Users in your team can have a role, which determines what they are allowed to do and see in Podhome:

  Contributor Admin Owner
Analytics X X X
Achievements X X X
Dynamics X X X
Team X X
Distribution X X
Player X X X
People X X X
Website X X
Show Settings X X
Create new episode X X X
Create new show X
Subscription X

Note that you become an owner when you first sign up for account at Podhome and create your first show.